Summer drought have your lawn struggling?
The one-two punch turf pro’s use for a healthy lawn.
Premium Sun-Shade Turf Mix Grass Seed
Solu-Cal 6-12-6 Starter Fertilizer
Our most popular seed mix for both sunny and shady conditions. We have carefully selected genetically diverse combinations of Kentucky bluegrasses to aid in disease resistance and consistent season-long color. This mix requires average fertility and maintenance programs.
Premium Grass Seed Tips:
- Spreading Seed:
- Once your space is prepped, start by rolling your area with a lawn roller approximately ¾ full of water, to water the ground lightly. Next, spread Premium Sun-Shade Turf Seed Mix evenly throughout the space. Then roll the area lightly (with an empt tank) after spreading the seed to help bed it into the soil. **Roller optional
- Turf Renovation:
- Start by completing Core Aeration to improve water and nutrient infiltration, improve soil oxygen levels and reduce thatch levels. Next, add top-dressing to improve soil chemistry and structure, improvinmg fertilizing performance. Then add overseeding to upgrade turfgrass varieties in your lawn.
A special formulation of Starter Fertilizer & soluble Calcium with PHCA Humic/Fulvic Acid Technology makes this fertilizer top notch. Enhancing the plant’s ability to convert both the applied and stored nutrients into an available from for plant uptake, this fertilizer also adjusts the pH balance of the soil and is essential for root development.
SOLU-CAL 6-12-6 may be applied to a wide variety of turf grasses, including newly seeded turf areas and existing turf. It is also ideal for use on annuals, perennials, ornamentals, trees and shrubs. It can be incorporated at planting time or side dressed or top dressed when plants are growing. Do not apply when plants are under severe drought or heat stress. For best results water in after spreading.
Solu-Cal Starter Fertilizer Tips:
- For Newly Seeded & Sodded Areas:
- Coverage 10,000 sq ft. Apply 5 lbs per 100 sq. ft or 220 lbs per acre at time of seeding. For best results, re-apply 4-6 weeks after initial application at the same rate. Water in thoroughly.
- For Hydroseeding:
- Apply at 400 lbs. per acre or 9 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.
- For Existing Turf:
- Can be used to properly maintain nutrient levels at the same rates than for new seeding. To assure complete and even coverage apply at half rates in two directions. Apply to dry turf. Water in thoroughly.
- For Annuals, Perennials & Roses:
- Apply at 12.5 lbs per 1000 sq ft.
- For Trees & Shrubs:
- Use 1 cup for every 2 feet of plant diameter. On trees use 5 cups for every 1” (DBH) trunk diameter. Spread evenly around base of plant out to drip line. Water in thoroughly.
** Do not apply when plants are under severe drought or heat stress. For best results, water in after spreading. **