Not sure how much soil, compost, gravel, or mulch you need for your next landscape or garden project? Well worry no more! We have a helpful table for taking the guesswork out of your next bulk order. All you need to know is how deep you want to lay your material and how much square footage you need to cover.
Still not sure how much to order – here’s a quick example:
Let’s say you want to lay 4 inches of mulch in your garden bed. You’ve measured the bed and it’s 7 feet wide and 20 feet long. This means you have 140 square feet to cover (7 ft x 20 ft). According to the chart above, 1 yard of mulch will cover 81 square feet with a 4 inch depth.
To figure out how much to order, just divide your square footage, in this case 140, by 81. Since 140/81 is 1.73, you will have to order 2 yards to cover that much square footage at a 4-inch depth.