Late Summer Rose Care
If you have roses, you are probably familiar with black spot, powdery mildew and Japanese beetles. A good spray and fertilizer program will help prevent these problems. Please let our garden center staff help you grow beautiful, healthy roses.
In general you should avoid transplanting or giving your roses a hard pruning during the summer. You can do some dead heading and light pruning to removed dead or crossing branches.
Late Summer Perennial Care
Established perennials need minimal care, just a little food, dead-heading and weeding. We recommend fertilizers that are formulated for feeding flowers, like Espoma Flower-Tone, be used monthly* in your perennial flower garden. Pinch or prune spent flowers to promote more flowers. Remove weeds so they do not compete with your perennials for water, not to mention your garden just looks better without weeds.
If you have Asiatic lilies, check them regularly for lily-leaf beetle. These beetles can quickly eat all the leaves on a lily plant. Look for chewed leaves, red beetles or the black oblong larvae of these beetles. If you see signs of the lily-leaf beetle, treat immediately with rotenone-pyrethrin mix or neem oil spray
*Always follow package instructions as formulas vary from product to product. If you are unsure about the proper feeding center, please consult with a garden center staff member for help.
~ Information provided by Jim Connolly, MCH MCLP and Northeast Nursery Horticulture Staff