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Soil Testing is an Essential Lawn Care Practice

Soil Testing is an Essential Lawn Care Practice

A soil test will determine not only the pH, but also the levels of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium(K). Once you have identified the nutrient composition we can advise you with proper fertilizer recommendations throughout the year.


We can have results in 10 days to two weeks. Please be sure to follow the instructions below or on the sample form for taking a good soil sample. It's best to put your soil sample in a container or plastic bag to get it to us, see image for example. We do not require a lot of soil, bag shown is
7" x 3" in dimension.


Once your results are in, they can be mailed, faxed, or picked up. Click here to download the Turf And Ornamental Soil Sample Information form. The cost per soil sample test is $ 18.99.



How to Take a Good Soil Sample


A Soil Sample Must Represent the Area Being Sampled!


1. Soil Samples can be taken with a soil probe, spade or trowel. Samples from established turf should be taken to
a depth of three inches. Other samples should be taken to a depth of six to eight inches. Discard any surface residues, thatch or stones.


2. Take a representative sample. Sample different areas of the turf, garden or landscape beds separately. A minimum of 10 to 12 cores per area sampled is required for an accurate soil test.


3. Collect the cores or slices in a clean plastic bucket and mix well. Transfer a portion (a cup or more) of the mixed sample to a soil sample bag. Avoid contamination by fertilizers and lime. Sample results may be inaccurate if samples are taken within four weeks of fertilizer or lime applications. Avoid using equipment or containers which may be contaminated with fertilizer or lime. Label the soil sample bag with a positive identification that matches the Soil Sample Information Form.


4. Complete the Turf And Ornamental Soil Sample Information form. Fasten securely with form and bring to Northeast Nursery.

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