![Lawn Disease Control Solutions](https://www.northeastnursery.com/web_images/blogs/34/1371/Northeast-Nursery-lawn-Care.png)
Summer Means Lawn Fungus!
We want to show you what to look for and how to identify a fungus in your lawn. Lawn fungus is brought on with high humidity and warmer temperatures. Often times drought stress or insect damage can be mistaken for lawn fungus soyou want to be sure you are properly diagnosing the problem. Some of the most common summer lawn fungi are red thread, summer patch, dollar spot, brown patch, leafspot and stripe smut. Below are some identifying signs of these diseases.
Summer Lawn DiseasesRed Thread - Bright red thread-like strands appear near grass tips or the cut surfaces of the grass blades.
Summer Patch - Yellow patches approximately 6-12 inches in diameter that form rings around healthy grass plants.
Dollar Spot - Straw colored patches about 2-3 inches in diameter with bleached centers and orange borders.
Brown Patch - Circular, yellow-brown patches of discolored, wilting and dead grass.
Leafspot - Oval, purple spots appear on the grass blades along with some yellowing and thinning of the overall turf.
Stripe Smut - grass blades become pale green and stunted with long, black stripes of spore pustules, infected leaves curl, die and become shredded.
Systemic fungicide controlling Pythium Blights
Provides both systemic and contact control. Diseases controlled both as preventative and curative treatments:
- Anthracnose (both leaf blight and basal rot)
- Brown Blight (Rhizoctonia)
- Brown Patch
- Copper Spot
- Helminthosporium
- Red Thread/Pink Patch
- Rusts
- Take-all Patch
Diseases controlled as preventative only:
- Summer Patch
- Smut
- Pink or Gray Snow Molds
- Gray Leaf Spot
- Fusarium Blight
Provides contact control only. Diseases controlled as preventative and curative:
- Algae
- Anthracnose
- Brown Patch
- Copper Spot
- Dollar Spot
- Gray Leaf Mold
- Pink and Gray Snow Molds
- Melting Out
- Red Thread/Pink Patch
- Rusts
- Helminthosporum
- Spring Dead Spot
- Summer Patch
- Take-all Patch
Infuse (Banner)
Systemic fungicide preventing and controlling:
- Black Spot
- Dollar Spot
- Rust
- Brown Patch
- Leaf Spot
- Red Thread...on both established turf and new seedlings
Provides contact control only. Diseases controlled as both preventative and curative treatments:
- Brown Patch
- Dollar Spot
- Gray and Pink Snow Molds